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Keynote Speakers


Professor Ian F. Akyildiz
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA


Ian F. Akyildiz received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany, in 1978, 1981 and 1984, respectively. Currently, he is the Ken Byers Distinguished Chair Professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology and Director of Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory.
        Dr. Akyildiz is the Editor-in-Chief of Computer Networks Journal (Elsevier), the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Ad Hoc Networks Journal (Elsevier) in 2003 and the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Physical Communication (PHYCOM) Journal (Elsevier) in 2008. He is a past editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (1996-2001), Kluwer Journal of Cluster Computing (1997-2001), ACM-Springer Journal for Multimedia Systems (1995-2002), IEEE Transactions on Computers (1992-1996) as well as ACM-Springer Journal of Wireless Networks (WINET) (1995-2005). He guest-edited several special issues for various journals between 1988 and 2001. He was the technical program chair of ACM MOBICOM'96, IEEE INFOCOM'98, and IEEE ICC'2003. He was the General Chair of ACM MOBICOM 2002. He was the Co-Founder and General Co-Chair of the ACM SenSys (Sensor Systems) Conference in Los Angeles, November 2003. He also serves on the advisory boards of several research centers, journals, conferences and publication companies.
        Dr. Akyildiz is an IEEE FELLOW (1996) and an ACM FELLOW (1997). He served as a National Lecturer for ACM from 1989 until 1998 and received the ACM Outstanding Distinguished Lecturer Award in 1994. He received the 1997 IEEE Leonard G. Abraham Prize award (IEEE Communications Society) for his paper entitled "Multimedia Group Synchronization Protocols for Integrated Services Architectures" published in the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), the 2002 IEEE Harry M. Goode Memorial award (IEEE Computer Society) with the citation "for significant and pioneering contributions to advanced architectures and protocols for wireless and satellite networking", the 2003 Best Tutorial Paper Award (IEEE Communications Society) for this paper entitled "A Survey on Sensor Networks" published in the IEEE Communications Magazine, the 2003 ACM SIGMOBILE Outstanding Contribution Award for his "pioneering contributions in the area of mobility and resource management for wireless communication networks".
        Dr. Akyildiz is the author of an advanced textbook on Wireless Mesh Networks and the author of an advanced textbook on Wireless Sensor Networks, both published by John Wiley and Sons in Fall 2008. His current research interests are in Cognitive Radio Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Mesh Networks and Nanonetworks.

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