Registration |
Instruction Please note: 1. Registration is required for all participants of WCSP 2024. Authors of accepted papers MUST register by 25 September 2024. 2. Without registration, your paper will be EXCLUDED from the final WCSP 2024 proceeding and not submitted for inclusion in IEEEXplore. Also, the paper will not be indexed by EI Compendex. 3. Each paper should at least register for one FULL registration. 4. Note that each accepted paper is limited to 7 pages with no charge for the first 6 pages and a charge of 50USD/350RMB for the 7th page. When you choose bank transfer and QA code payment (only for CNY payment), EDAS paper number/Attendee's name and the conference name "WCSP2024" should be added in the remark when you make the remittance. ± For authors with papers, please remark "WCSP2024+Paper ID"; ± For attendees without papers, please remark "WCSP2024+attendee's name". 5. For the same author with multiple accepted papers, one registration can at most cover TWO papers. 6. Due to the layout of the email, the link to the final paper submission may become inaccessible. You can copy the corresponding link (remove the period at the end of the link) in the email and open it in your browser, or simply click on the link provided here: The registration process consists of two steps: Step 1: Pay for the registration fee. We offer two different payment methods For domestic transfer, please make your payment to: 账号名称:安徽寻源会展有限公司 开户银行:中国建设银行合肥长江东路支行 账号:34050144370800001748 银行行号:105361044030 You can also choose QR code payment. Please scan the QR code below when making the payment: Step 2: Fill in the registration.docx and send all the required information to 注册过程分两步: 1.按上述银行信息缴纳注册费。 2.下载并填写注册表,将缴费凭证扫描件和注册表发送至。 Registration Fee:
开票说明 1.开票项目:*会展服务*会议注册费、*会展服务*会务费。 2.本次会议开具的发票为增值税普通发票。通常情况下,增值税普通发票仅需报销单位的名称及税号信息。 3.如参会人员所在单位(报销单位, |