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13th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing

October 20-22, 2021, Virtual Meeting 

     The 13th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2021) is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Wireless Communications and Signal Processing. The conference aims to bring together leading researchers, scientists, engineers and scholars in the domain of interest to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas and results in challenges encountered and solutions adopted. The event of WCSP 2021 will be held in the virtual meeting, on October 20-22, 2021. You are invited to submit papers in all areas of wireless communications, signal processing and applications. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the WCSP 2021 Conference Proceedings and high quality papers will be recommended to SCI journals. Papers published in WCSP 2009-2020 have been included by IEEE Xplore Digital Library and indexed by EI.


Papers should be in English, strictly not exceeding 5 double-column pages. Use the standard IEEE templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX. Authors of accepted paper are expected to present their papers at the conference.

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