wcsp2014 is coming      


The Annual International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (IC-WCSP) aims to gather international researchers from academia and industry to meet and exchange ideas and recent research works across the broad field of ICT technologies. The event of WCSP 2014 will be held in Hefei, Anhui, China, on October 23-25, 2014. The theme of WCSP 2014 is to embrace the convergence of key emerging ICT technologies, including but not limited to next-generation networking architecture, wireless communications   &systems, multimediaover networks, computing, and integrated circuit.

Technical Symposia: Prospective authors are welcome to submit original technical papers for publication in the conference proceedings and for presentation at the following six symposia through EDAS (https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=17381):

Important Dates 
FIRM Submission deadline: Jul. 25, 2014 
Acceptance notification: Aug. 25, 2014 
Camera-ready paper: Sep. 15, 2014 
Conference dates: Oct. 23-25, 2014

Submission Guidelines 
All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of 
six (6) printed pages in IEEE double-column format, including figures without 
incurring additional page charges (maximum 1 additional page with over length 
page charge if accepted). Submissionswill be accepted through EDAS. More 
details are provided in the Submission Guideline page of the conference 

WCSP 2014 
October 23©\25, 2014, Hefei, China

1.Future Networking Symposium 
Symposium Co©\Chairs 
Dr. Satyajayant Misra, New Mexico State University, USA 
Dr. Xu Zhu, University of Liverpool, UK 
Dr. Kai Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 
Dr. Chi Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China, China 
Scope and Topics of Interest 
The  Future  Networking  Symposium  is  devoted  to  the  latest  developments  and 
advancements in wireless or wireline networks, applications, and services related to 
future networking. The objective of this symposium is to provide an international 
forum to exchange new ideas and research results from both academia and industry. 
Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions on all aspects of 
future networking, including, but not limited to the following topics of interest:  
¡ñ  Future Internet and next©\generation networking architectures 
¡ñ  Heterogeneous multi©\layer and multi©\domain networks 
¡ñ  Wireless©\wireline internetworking 
¡ñ  Overlay networks, content©\centric networks, and peer©\to©\peer networking 
¡ñ  Data center networking 
¡ñ  Software©\defined networking 
¡ñ  Mobile cellular networks 
¡ñ  Mobile ad hoc networks 
¡ñ  Wireless mesh networks 
¡ñ  Wireless sensor networks 
¡ñ  Wireless local area networks 
¡ñ  Wireless personal area networks 
¡ñ  Cognitive radio networks 
¡ñ  Self©\organizing networks 
¡ñ  Vehicular ad hoc networks 
¡ñ  Smart grid networks 
¡ñ  Home area networks 
¡ñ  Algorithms and protocols 
¡ñ  Medium access control 
¡ñ  Routing 
¡ñ  Security and privacy 
¡ñ  Flow control and congestion control 
¡ñ  Network resource allocation 
¡ñ  Traffic modeling and management 
¡ñ  Mobility, handoff, and location management 
¡ñ  Quality©\of©\service provisioning 
¡ñ  Cross©\layer design and optimization 
¡ñ  Multimedia over wireless/wired networks 
¡ñ  Capacity and performance analysis 
¡ñ  Network testbeds and deployment 

2.Emerging Areas in Wireless Communications  Symposium

Symposium Co©\Chairs 
Chee Wei Tan, City University of Hong Kong, HK 
Longbo Huang, Tsinghua University, China 
Cong Shen, Qualcomm R&D, USA 
Wenyi Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China, China 
Scope and Topics of Interest 
The Symposium on Emerging Areas in Wireless Communications aims at bringing 
together academia and industry interested in the latest advancements in systems, 
protocols,  applications,  and  information  services  related  to  future  wireless 
communications. Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions on 
all aspects of future wireless communications, which include but not limited to the 
following topics of interest:  
¡ñ  Coding, modulation, equalization, and synchronization 
¡ñ  Space©\time coding, MIMO, large scale antenna systems 
¡ñ  Multiaccess technologies (e.g., OFDMA, CDMA) 
¡ñ  Channel measurement, modeling and characterization 
¡ñ  Information©\theoretic aspects in wireless communications 
¡ñ  Power control, resource management 
¡ñ  Interference management 
¡ñ  Cooperative communications 
¡ñ  Visible light communications 
¡ñ  Satellite and deep©\space communications 
¡ñ  Short range wireless communications (e.g., 60G, UWB) 
¡ñ  Underwater acoustic communications 
¡ñ  Molecular and nano©\scale communications 
¡ñ  Mobile cellular networks 
¡ñ  Device©\to©\device, machine©\to©\machine networks 
¡ñ  Cognitive radio networks 
¡ñ  Home area networks 
¡ñ  Wireless sensor networks 
¡ñ  Integration of heterogeneous networks (e.g., cellular and WLAN, offloading) 
¡ñ  Complex and self©\organizing networks (e.g., Internet of Things, Smart Grids) 
¡ñ  Wireless traffic modeling and management 
¡ñ  Wireless security and privacy 
¡ñ  Mobility, handoff, and location management 
¡ñ  Cross©\layer design and optimization 
¡ñ  Modeling and performance analysis 
¡ñ  Smartphone applications 
¡ñ  Economic models and mechanisms in wireless communications 
¡ñ  Wireless testbeds and implementations 
¡ñ  Hardware design in wireless platforms 
¡ñ  Emerging wireless standards 
¡ñ  Energy harvesting and wireless power transfer 

3.Media and Signal Processing for Communications Symposium 
Symposium Co©\Chairs 
Dr. Shipeng Li, Microsoft Research Asia, China 
Dr. Moncef Gabbouj, Tampere University of Technology, Finland 
Dr. Nicholas Mastronarde, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA 
Dr. Dong Liu, University of Science and Technology of China 
Scope and Topics of Interest 
Accompanied  with  the  popularity  of  mobile  devices,  multimedia  has  been  the 
majority of content in wired and wireless networks. More and more media and signal 
processing algorithms and modules are designed and developed to provide novel 
solutions to communication and networking. Thus the Media and Signal Processing 
for Communications Symposium is devoted to the various topics of signal processing, 
with  especial  emphases  on  multimedia  processing  technologies  for  wired  and 
wireless communications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 
¡ñ Speech and Audio Signal Processing 
¡ñ Image, Video, and Multimedia Signal Processing
¡ñ Virtual Reality Signal Processing
¡ñ Client©\Cloud Multimedia Systems and Applications 
¡ñ Social Media Networks
¡ñ Multimedia Communications 
¡ñ Compressive Sensing and Compressive Sampling
¡ñ Adaptive Signal Processing
¡ñ Estimation and Detection 
¡ñ Signal Processing for Communications 
¡ñ Signal Processing Applications and Systems

4.Algorithms, Computing, and System©\on©\Chips 
Symposium Co©\Chairs 
Dr. Fujiang Lin, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China 
Dr. Francois Chin, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore 
Dr. Xiaoming Peng, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STARSingapore 
Scope and Topics of Interest 
Integrated circuits (ICs) play the core role in communication and network system. 
Driven  by  the  new  communication  application  and  the  semiconductors 
technology/process  progress,  system©\on©\chips  are  facing  a  lot  of  challenges: 
algorithms/architectures of communications such as LTE/LTE©\A, 5G etc., ultra©\low 
power  consumption  implementation,  highly  dense  integration, 
multi©\core/Network©\on©\Chip  (NoC),  scalable/reconfigurable/parallel  architecture, 
packaging technology, new design methodologies, etc., numerous research groups in 
academia, industry, and government are currently investigating the issues involved in 
improving the performance, power consumption, reliability, and other characteristics 
of communication System©\on©\Chips (SoC) and seeking new ways to advance the state 
of the art in wireless/wireline communication as well as the emerging quantum 
communication fields.  
The  goal  of  this  symposium  is  to  bring  together  researchers  working  on 
improvements at all aspects of communication system©\on©\chip, thereby enabling the 
sharing and adaptation of ideas and the latest progress. Prospective authors are 
invited  to  submit  original  contributions  on  all  aspects  of  communication  chips, 
including, but not limited to the following topics of interest: 
¡ñ  Communication algorithms and hardware module implementations 
¡ñ  RF, Analog, and mixed©\signal integrated circuits for communication 
¡ñ  Reconfigurable/Scalable Computing 
¡ñ  SoC architectures, Software/hardware tasks separation 
¡ñ  Heterogeneous/homogeneous multicores 
¡ñ  NoC/on©\chip interconnect for communications systems 
¡ñ  High©\speed interconnect transceiver techniques 
¡ñ  Low power communications chip design 
¡ñ  Smart grid chip design 
¡ñ  Quantum communication IC 
¡ñ  SoC design/verification methodology 
¡ñ  3D integration 
¡ñ  Design for test/manufacturability 

5.Wireless Systems and Networks  Symposium 
Symposium Co-Chairs 
Dr. Zuqing Zhu, University of Science and Technology of China, China 
Dr. Shengli Zhou, University of Connecticut, USA 
Dr. Pinyi Ren, Xi¡¯an JiaoTong University, China 
Dr. Fen Zhou, University of Avignon, France 
Scope and Topics of Interest 
The Symposium on Wireless Systems and Networks will focus on new 
research results as well as practical implementations in the areas of mobile 
and wireless networking and the enabling systems. Mobile and wireless 
technologies will continue to evolve and to enable the telecommunication 
networks to adapt to the traffic demands that is increasing exponentially. There 
are various techniques and solutions that can extend the network capacity 
effectively in one hand, while improving the network flexibility, operability, 
energy efficiency, quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) on 
the other hand. 
The objective of this symposium is toserve as an international forum for 
experts from both the academia and industry to exchange ideas and results on 
research and development, and to promote and accelerate the standardization, 
applications, and services of currentand future wireless communication 
systems and networks. To ensure complete coverage of the field, the 
Symposium on Wireless Systems and Networks solicits original contributions 
in, but not limited to, the following areas: 
¡ñ Mobile and wireless networking
¡ñ Wireless access and routing techniques and protocols
¡ñ Broadband wireless communication systems
¡ñ Resource allocation
¡ñ Energy-efficient wireless networking
¡ñ Mobile IP networks
¡ñ Inter-working of 2G, 3G and 4G wireless networks
¡ñ Opportunistic networks 
¡ñ Wireless mesh networks
¡ñ Cross-layer design, security, and optimization
¡ñ Delay tolerant networks
¡ñ Integration of ad hoc networks with wireless access networks
¡ñ Congestion and admission control
¡ñ QoS/QoE support for mobile networks
¡ñ RFID networks and protocols
¡ñ Modeling and analysis of wireless LAN/WAN
¡ñ B3G/4G systems, WiMAX, WLAN, WPAN 
¡ñ B4G/5G systems 
¡ñ Wireless multicasting and broadcasting
¡ñ Optimization models and algorithms 
¡ñ Ubiquitous computing, services and applications
¡ñ Emerging wireless/mobile applications 
¡ñ Portable devices and wearable computers 
¡ñ System prototypes, real deployments and experimentation
¡ñ Context and location aware applications 
¡ñ Data replication and dissemination in mobile networks 
¡ñ Mobile social networks
¡ñ Vehicular communication networks
¡ñ Operating system and middleware support for mobile computing
¡ñ Intelligent transport systems and applications
¡ñ Multimedia over wireless networks
¡ñ Wireless telemedicine and e-health services
¡ñ Content distribution in wireless home environment
¡ñ Security, privacy and infrastructure for ubiquitous computing 
¡ñ Service oriented architectures, service portability, P2P
¡ñ Cognitive radio networks 
¡ñ Internet of Things (IoT) 
¡ñ Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications
¡ñ Wireless networking in smart grid

6.Optical Wireless Communications Symposium

Symposium Co-Chairs
Dr. Zhengyuan Xu, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Dr. Julian Cheng, University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Zabih Ghassemlooy, Northumbria University, UK
Dr. Thomas DC Little, Boston University, USA
Scope and Topics of Interest

Recently, interest in fundamental and applied research on optical wireless communication technologies has been tremendously boosted by the increasing capacity demands inspired by mobile devices that are unmet by existing RF technologies. New and relatively untapped optical spectrum is considered a frontier for increasing data access in general and niche applications. This arena is broad, encompassing activities in development of optical sources and detectors, imaging architectures, signal processing and communication techniques, systems and networks, in all optical bands such as ultraviolet, visible light and infrared. This symposium invites submissions of original contributions on all aspects of optical wireless communication systems and networks, including, but not limited to, the following topics of interest:
¡ñ Indoor and outdoor optical wireless channel modeling
¡ñ Experimental channel characterization
¡ñ Atmospheric and water scattering and turbulence
¡ñ Pointing and acquisition in mobility
¡ñ Optical wireless channel capacity
¡ñ Modulation/demodulation and coding/decoding techniques
¡ñ Large-scale optical MIMO techniques
¡ñ Receiver and detector techniques
¡ñ Scattering and turbulence mitigation
¡ñ Intersymbol interference mitigation
¡ñ Wavelength diversity
¡ñ Optical relay and partial coherent transmission and reception
¡ñ X-dimensional multiplexing 
¡ñ Applications in indoor, atmosphere and underwater

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