wcsp2010 is coming      

1.      Submit papers

click here submit your papers 

2.      Prepare your papers

2.1   Please prepare your paper using the 2-column format. Regular papers are allowed to 4 pages. Extra pages will incur additional charges. More information can be found on the Registration form, where the payment for these would be made. All papers must be in English.




a. The LaTeX System Tester is included in the LaTeX archives content. The package includes instructions on how to test your LaTeX system settings and reconfigure them as necessary to enable you to emulate the "control output" for the best PDF conversion. You are strongly encouraged to perform this test before laying out your final manuscript.


b. Access IEEEtran LaTeX Class (template) V1.7 packages and IEEEtran V1.12 BibTeX (bibliography) packages. Be sure to use the template's conference mode. See template documentation for details.


2.2 Failure to meet the formatting guidelines set by IEEE, could result in your paper not being included in the Proceedings CD.

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