Li Sun |
Title: Physical Layer Security 2.0: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice Speaker: Li Sun, Huawei Technologies, China Abstract Physical layer security (PLS) is a wireless security paradigm which exploits intrinsic features of wireless channels to enhance communication confidentiality and realize authentication. While extensive studies have been conducted in this area during the past decades leading to fruitful achievements, multiple fundamental problems have not been well addressed, which hinders practical adoption of PLS techniques. To bridge the gap between theory and practice, several techniques are introduced in this talk. First, a new theory is established to connect the error floor of eavesdropper’s decoding process to the security level of the desired signal transmission, which provides a rigorous theoretical framework to evaluate PLS performance. Guided by this theory, an innovative secure transmission architecture is then developed, which combines PLS techniques and cryptographic primitives to realize provable security levels. Finally, the applications perspective of PLS research is examined. While plenty of papers have been published in the PLS field, most studies aimed at solving anti-eavesdropping problems. However, current cryptographic approaches are almost competent for accomplishing this, which makes PLS techniques less attractive to the industries. To deal with this issue, this talk will introduce two scenarios, i.e., secure ranging for contactless car entry and privacy protection for wireless sensing, where higher-layer encryption techniques do not work. For these scenarios, advanced solutions will be presented to show how PLS techniques can be utilized to realize integrity protection and privacy enhancement.Biography Li Sun received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Information and Communications Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, in 2006 and 2011, respectively. He is currently a Senior Expert in Wireless Technology Lab, 2012 Labs, Huawei Technologies, where he is leading the research of wireless physical layer security. Prior to joining Huawei, he has been with Xi’an Jiaotong University as a professor and the Deputy Director of Wireless Communications Institute. From 2019 to 2020, he worked at the University of California, Irvine, as a Visiting Professor.
His research interests include physical layer security and wireless AI. He has published over 150 papers and has more than 70 granted patents. He is the founding member and Online Content Leader of the IEEE ComSoC Large Generative AI Models in Telecom Emerging Technology Initiative (GenAINet ETI). He received the Best Paper Award of China Communications (2017 and 2020), the Best Paper Award of the IEEE ICCCS (2023), the Outstanding Scientific Paper Award of Shaanxi Province of China (2016), the Outstanding Master Thesis Supervisor of Chinese Institute of Electronics (2020), the First Price of the Teaching Achievement Award of Shaanxi Province of China (2018), and the Innovation Pioneer Award at Huawei (2022 and 2023). |